Day 01 - Arrive Addis; city tour; hotel of choice
Day 02 - Drive to Arbaminch, on the way visit the rift valley lakes, and different communities like the Dorze at Chencha village.
Day 03 - Drive to Jinka on the way visit Bena& Ari villages; Jinka local hotel
Day 04 - Drive to Mursi visit their life style and drive back to Jinaka
Day 05 - Drive to Turmi on the way visit the Key Afer village,
Day 05 - Drive to Kangatan; to Korcho; MurulleOmo Lodge
Day 05 - Drive to Dimeka (market); to Arba Minch; local hotel
Day 06 - Drive to Chencha; to Awassa; local hotel
Day 07 - Drive via Rift Valley Lakes to Addis; cultural evening; hotel
Day 08 - You will be transferred to the airport for your departure.