Sof Omar Cave

Sof Omar cave is found 96kms from the town or Robe south East of Ethiopia. While driving past the cave you would not expect to see such a marvelous formation of nature in such a corner of a small valley. The Weyib River which you might not notice crossing over on your drive to Robe arrives with you at the entrance of the cave. The amazing rock formations, high ceiling, bright colored stones, a feeling of vastness, and the solid darkness will impress you most.

From the entrance to the exit of the cave you will wonder how nature and or water could carve such details. It is not simply a natural attraction for the tourists rather it is more of a holy shrine for the Muslim community especially for the locals there. There is the chief of the cave, his family and cousins who look after it. Many people have come to the cave, prayed at and even healed- the locals believe.

You will see pieces of what the pilgrims have sacrificed at the entrance of the cave. If you have 3-4hours and can dare the darkness of the cave and do not mind crossing the Weyib River seven times you can cross the cave. But make sure you have a good light source to enjoy the beauty of the cave. And above all Do Not dare try to cross it by yourself, make sure you have a local guide to escort you. It will be a time you will not forget.

Zab Tours Ethiopia has helped for the filming of the cave for BBC in Nov 2010 we really had a great time. We have got a great relationship with the local community and all our groups who travel to Sof Omar Cave are treated with love and respect.